Monday, 15 October 2012

Analysis of narrative theory "The killers-Mr Brightside"

This music video is about a girl who has a very controlling boyfriend that she is not happy with. She finds a man she is happy with and cheats on the controlling boyfriend with this man, but then goes back to that boyfriend.

This music video supports this theory with the use of a princess (the main actress), a hero (the man likes) and a villain (her controlling boyfriend).

Levi Strauss
This music video supports this theory with it's use of binary oppositions. Like most videos the binary opposition used is good and bad. The girl and the man she finds love with are the good people and the bad person is the controlling boyfriend. However, there could be some debate about whether it is the opposite was around, because she is the one cheating.

In this music video the use of the enigma code is used because the audience is intrigued to see whether the girl gets together with the man or not.

The original equilibrium is where the girl and her boyfriend is living as normal. The disruption is where she shows a liking for another man. Recognition happens when her boyfriend sees her kissing him. Attempt to restore is shown by her boyfriend getting her back and the new equilibrium is her and her boyfriend still together.

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