Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Filming update

Today we filmed two scenes:

Scene 1:

Location: the pub "the blueboar" 

Actors: Sophie (me), Vitor, Sophie, Alice and Alice 

Videoing: Took in turns because there was no shot where we were all involved

Props: Beer and other drinks

Scene 2:

Location: Costa Coffee

Actors: Sophie (me), Vitor, Sophie, Alice and Alice

Videoing: Again took in turns

Props: Glasses and mugs

These scenes were successful and we managed to film them within an hour. We only have the performance element and scenes located in Vitors house left to do. I am going to film the rest of the narrative element on saturday.

Here is a long shot showing the girls in a pub, having a few drinks. This follows a stereotypical view of young people and our target audience will be familiar with the location. This is a redundant element to the video. The girls are all sat close together and leaning into conversation, connoting they are close friends.

This is a mid shot of Sophie (me). It shows the perspective of Vitor and due to the closeness of the shot, connotes that the actors are becoming more close. The side view and sad expression, however, connotes she is not feeling connected to him, due to his rude behaviour.

This is a long shot showing Vitor alone. He is positioned alone and toward the centre of the frame, connoting the loneliness and strangeness of the character.

In this image the girls are parted slightly more than in the pub and Sophie's expression is sad. This connotes the situation is affecting the girls relationship, because they laugh at the guy Sophie likes.

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