Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Evaluation question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research,  planning and evaluation stages?
Throughout this project I have used a range of different technologies to construct my products and in the research, planning and evaluation of them. 

Sony DV and HD camera
We first used a Sony DV camera as this is what we had access to at the time. This camera provided an easy to use system, however the quality of the picture was poor and gave a grainy look to the video and darker scenes were difficult to see clearly.
However, toward the end of the project new HD cameras were available to use. We used this camera for the scene with the computer. This camera provided a higher quality image and better colour. However, it was more difficult to use and we had problems uploading the video onto the computer. We would have preffered to use the HD throughout the whole of the project but this was not possible. I think we have produced a good video with what we were provided with. I have learnt how to use both types of video cameras with ease and control. We managed to film our video successfully with both cameras.

Apple Final Cut Pro 7

This software was used to edit our music video. At the beginning of this project we only knew the basics of using this software, as we learnt to produce a practise music video, where we put together the scenes but no special editing was used. However, throughout the project we became more at ease with this software and was able to put together the music video scenes in the right place at the right time. We learnt how to input our music so that we could gradualy create our music video with the music as a frame. We found problems with this software, such as rendering effects, but we overcame this. We experimented with different effects but decided it made our music video look too unrealistic and kept to basic editing with the exception of some fade in fade out editing to create smoother editing. Final cut was a useful software that allowed us to create a professional looking music video, however, it was time consuming to do this as we had to be very precise with our timing and lip syncing.

We used Imovie to upload some of our clips onto the mac to use on Final Cut Pro. I also used Imovie to gather feedback in a focus group. It is a useful software to quickly access when we needed feedback for our products. It is easy to use. There were no problems using it and didn't need any help to learn how to use it as it is simple and easy to use.
I used prezi to create my pitch and part of my conclusion. It is a useful software to present information in an interesting and attractive way. It allowed me to become more creative in presenting my work and information as I had to gain knowledge of how to work it as I created them. This software is free but slightly more complicated than other internet softwares. After I worked out how to use the software I came to enjoy using it as the design made creating a prezi much more interesting and you can include images and youtube links. Overall, Prezi was successful in creating a good presentation of information in an attractive and interesting way.

I used SlideRocket many times in my research. It allowed me to create a presentation in a new and interesting way with more options of designs. I enjoyed using a new presentation software as it was new and fun to learn how to use while creating a presentation. It was simple to get used to and use accurately and only found a problem when inputting an image. However, I soon overcame this as I discovered how to do this. I enjoyed using internet software like this as it was easy to put on my blog through embedding it rather than uploading it onto slideshare, which is what you have to do with a PS.

I used slideshare to upload a powerpoint presentation and put it onto my blog. This software was very useful as there was no other way to do this. The software was very easy to use despite having no previous experience with it, however, it seemed like a long process to upload onto my blog and so I found it was better to use softwares such as Prezi and SlideRocket.

I used to word for my research, to present it clearly and to create montages of ideas. I have used Word many times in the past for these functions and so found it very easy to use. However, I had to save my work as a jpeg to put on my blog. However, for this prject I also used Word to create a calander to show my time management for my project. This was something I had not used before and found it difficult to change the date as it remained on January. However, this was very useful is showing when I plan to do the next part of the project.

I used Dafont to find a font to suit the Indie genre for my digipak and poster. It was very useful as it offered many different fonts and allowed me to download them and try them out. It also allowed to to type in a key word to find a specific type of font. I found it easy to use as I have used it before and the site is simple.

Adobe photoshop
I used photoshop to create and edit my print products. It was useful as I could edit images with more variety, whereas you cannot do that on any other software. I was able to create merged faces and special effects. However, I was not confident with this software as I had not used it many times. It took a lot of time to learn how to do certain things such as cut images and to understand layers but I became to understand it and managed to create successful print products.

YouTube has been useful for many things. I have used it for my research as it allowed me to search other Indie bands music videos, which I used as inspiration and to gather an understanding of what music videos look like and their conventions. I have also used YouTube to upload my music video so I can then put it onto my blog and other Web 2.0 sites so that we could gather feedback on it. I found YouTube easy to use as I have used it for many years and it is simple to use.

I used Facebook you gather feedback for my products. It was very useful as I can use many different people which would be difficult to do without it. I created a site on Facebook and added people and my work for them to comment. It was easy to use as I have my own account and know how to use it. However, without access to Facebook at college it was difficult to put the feedback onto my blog as my home computer wouldn't allow me to print screen. However, I managed to copy and paste my feedback onto my blog.

Blogger was very useful to gather all of my work onto one page. I have built up good knowledge of the software and can now use it without any problems. It allows be to use any software and I can upload it onto blogger by using embed codes, links, image icon etc. It has also been useful as I can view other blogs to get an idea of other peoples work and how they have constructed their work.

Web 2.0 has been very useful in creating my products and gathering information and gaining feedback. It has allowed everyone to create instead of large companies, which is why Final cut and photoshop etc has been created. Web 2.0 has allowed people to share ideas and give advice. According to technological determinism theory, societys technology drives the development of its social structure and cultural values. Technology drives peoples ways of communication and is working into a new era, where if computers and online media didn;t exist we would be able to be as create and produce such work as we do now.
I feel I have used the available technology productively and have created successful products. The technology has parlty influenced what I have created as it offers special effect I couldn't have thouht of myself. I have used the technology to make my products look professional and similar to real products, but the ideas are my own.

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